This Is How To Be Friends With The Girl You Just Dumped
Stop ignoring the fact that she’s ignoring you. Stop being exasperated at her ‘immaturity.’ Stop saying what a shame it is.
Stop ignoring the fact that she’s ignoring you. Stop being exasperated at her ‘immaturity.’ Stop saying what a shame it is.
i will forget your map of freckles.
i will forget if your birthday is the 27th or the 29th.
i will forget your sister’s name.
Loving him couldn’t build a relationship.
Being nice is very cool. Stop trying to impress boys with your negativity and start trying to impress yourself with your kindness.
Having a long-distance best friend is like having this secret vault into which I can spill with no consequence or judgment. I can tell her how I am actually feeling, as opposed to how I should be feeling or what I want to be feeling. Secret’s safe with her.
Relax. Take it easy. Turn off your caps lock.