This Is Why You Absolutely Must Be Emotionally Naked In Your Relationships
This is especially true for us, millennials who want to live their heart’s calling and create fulfilling bonds with their significant others.
This is especially true for us, millennials who want to live their heart’s calling and create fulfilling bonds with their significant others.
Seeking external validation for our value is the major culprit for not feeling worthy.
You can never find what you truly seek outside of yourself, be it love or anything else.
You have integrity.
The belief that someone is more special than someone else violates the primary laws of the universe.
Every cell of your body is aching for you to embody your true self and let the light gently touch every place you walk.
We’re all connected more than we dare to acknowledge.
When we don’t let go, we project our past on the present, and so we can’t recognize the opportunities and love that might want to come our way.
You vividly remember the day when you’ve met a man of your wildest dreams.
Stress is a condition of mind. We feel stressed and anxious when we push ourselves into wrong things.