Can’t Afford College? Apply For One Of These Unfortunately-Named Scholarships!!
Do the regular scholarships not fit your particular set of skills?
Do the regular scholarships not fit your particular set of skills?
A Clockwork [insert name of random fruit here as it won’t matter as no one will understand what the f%@k this movie is really about anyways].
So, I decided to grow a beard. Hold your applause till the end.
Don’t attempt to “wing it” or “improvise” or “pull rabbits out of your hat.”
This is your lucky day, because I have compiled 11 extremely easy steps that, if taken, will lead to you becoming much more attractive then you are right now.
Don’t take this the wrong way, because I really value our friendship.
Cry your heart out.
Change is just around the corner.
Remember, whatever you do, never say any of the following to your amazing and lovely pregnant wife.
Girls love to be complimented. Scratch that, they are like hungry savage beasts who will tear you limb from limb if you don’t remind them how amazing they are at regularly scheduled intervals or they will leave or both.