The Only Validation You Need Is Your Own
You can learn to live without the constant validation, and you can learn what you’ve depended on them to tell you all this time. Learn that you are valid.
You can learn to live without the constant validation, and you can learn what you’ve depended on them to tell you all this time. Learn that you are valid.
Taking time to focus solely on the loving and caring of you is the best thing you can do for yourself, and for everyone else that could potentially come into your life.
Don’t go back because of the memories. Don’t go back because of the peak moments or because of the highlight reel you’re looking at.
When I look back at that girl, I remember how she enjoyed the most mundane of things. How exhilarating it felt to be with someone new and to feel the spontaneity of it.
We attach ourselves to potential. We fall in love with potential. We get so attached to the idea of what could be.
When someone has shown you time and time again they’re going to hurt you, believe them.
Thank you for being patient when my flaws became a challenge.
Keep opening doors because the further you walk down the street, the brighter it is.
It’s knowing you don’t stand a chance next to their battle with addiction.
You think you know what it feels like to hurt or go through hard times. Until you hear that word: cancer.