Boy, 17, Faces Kiddie-Porn Charges For Sexting A Dick Video; Now Cops Demand More Pics


A 17-year-old Virginia boy allegedly sexted a video of his erect peen to his 15-year-old girlfriend and is facing felony charges of possessing and manufacturing child pornography as a result. Now, to prove the penis in the video is his, investigators reportedly want to force the boy to go to the hospital, inject him with a drug that would produce an erection, and snap more photos.

Yes, that’s right—to convict a 17-year-old boy of making a video that featured his penis, police now want to forcibly induce an erection and take pictures of his penis so they can throw him in a cage for years and label him a sex offender for life.

Even though his 15-year-old girlfriend appears to have started the ball rolling by sexting photos of herself to him last winter, she’s not being charged with manufacturing kiddie porn. Her mother, outraged by the video he sent her daughter, is the one who initially complained to police.

The 17-year-old boy was arrested and sent to juvenile jail in June, where officials allegedly snapped photos of his dick against his will. Apparently those photos weren’t a convincing enough match, because according to his defense lawyer, prosecutors now seek to obtain a search warrant “for pictures of his erect penis.” His lawyer says that someone from the prosecution told her, “We just take him down to the hospital, give him a shot and then take the pictures that we need.”

Who exactly is the sex offender here?

UPDATE: Due to negative publicity, the Manassas City Police Department has decided not to inject the boy’s penis and take pictures of it when it becomes erect.