Demi Lovato Posted A Picture On Instagram To Prove It’s Possible To Recover From An Eating Disorder


Demi Lovato has never been one to shy away from big topics, even when they’re insanely personal. She has talked openly about her struggles with depression, bullying, and drug abuse, and has become an advocate for self-care and self-love. And honestly, it’s exactly what some of her fans need — a role model who isn’t afraid to broadcast her struggles and show the world that everything will be okay.

So it’s no surprise that Demi is just as open about her eating disorder, which she has struggled to overcome since an early age. In fact, she decided to address the issue in this Instagram post and use it as a chance to reach out to fans who may be going through similar issues.

Demi wrote:

So, I’m insecure about my legs in this picture but I’m posting it because I look so happy this year and I’ve decided I’m letting go of my perfectionism and embracing freedom from self criticism. Learning to love my body the way it is is challenging but life changing. Giving up my eating disorder has been the most challenging journey of my life but I work every day towards solid recovery even if I mess up sometimes. Today I’m feeling strong. You all can do it too. It IS possible. Thank you God for this new chapter in my life.

This is what I’ve always loved about Demi — not only is she unafraid to talk about her struggles, but she wants her fans to be able to relate. She wants them to understand that she is just like them, that even fame doesn’t change the fact that she’s a human being with feelings and flaws and struggles. It something we all need a reminder of sometimes.

Recovery is hard. Healing is not linear. You will make mistakes, you will regress, you will struggle some days more than others. But you are strong. And you can make it through.