God Is Always Listening To You
By Afini Amir
God knows exactly what you’re going through. He puts you in that position in the first place. He knows you’re capable of something you think you might not be able to handle.
He doesn’t always give what you want, but he’ll always provide you with what you need. Your wishes and wants may be detrimental to you because let’s face it, our knowledge is limited.
Have you ever wanted something so badly just to be disappointed when you actually received it? Well that is God’s way of reminding you that the things you yearn for are not always the things you need in your life.
And have you ever received something more that you ever prayed for? Then that is God expressing his bounty and mercy to you.
He listens and he answers in many ways. You might have prayed for an easier life or a better pay or to be able to meet the love of your life sooner. Instead he sent you obstacles after obstacles, your pay remains stagnant and your status remains unchanged. That is so he could teach you patience through the things he held back from you.
He wants you to keep the faith and not lose hope. He will give it you when you’re ready. And if he doesn’t, he is only protecting you from calamities.
So don’t be despair when you think your prayers were not answered. He heard your cries and he will answer your prayers in his own time and in the most beautiful ways. I hope he gives you more than you asked for and protects you from any harm that could have come your way.