He’s Going To Lose Interest If You Do These 50 Things


Some men from Ask Reddit are here to tell you what has made them lose interest in a woman before.

1. Her inability to keep a conversation going… like a freaking brick wall, it did not matter how I tried to talk with her, totally different person online though.

2. She generalized EVERYONE! She was also such a bitch to everyone that she didn’t understand.

  • He plays video games? Wow when do you think he’ll move out of his mothers basement?

  • Wow she wears so much makeup can you imagine what she’s hiding under that face?

Just such a mean spirited person and it completely turned me off.

3. Played hard to get. No thanks. If you’re gonna ghost me for days at a time and then get pissed off when I don’t respond in .5 seconds then that’s not my problem.