How Do You Tell Identical Twins Apart?
5. Mother of identical twin girls. now 22yrs old.
At birth they literally weighed the same. But Baby B had bruising on her forehead from delivery. We used that for the first week along with their hospital bracelets for two weeks. Then we tied a different colored cloth ribbon around their ankles for a few weeks. We could find no discernable mark, mole, freckle, nothing to distinguish them apart. Afraid the ribbon would fall off and cause a choking hazard as they began to move around, at 6 weeks old we had their ears pierced. One with gold balls, the other with silver. Real jewelry and safety backings that would not fall off.
They wore that until about 3 years old. By then, attitudes and personalities began to appear and it was obvious who was who.
The fear in the beginning of mixing them up was real.