I Found A Flash Drive Documenting A Bizarre Psychology Experiment In 2009. This Was What Was Inside. (Part 16)


This is part 16 of a series.

Day 20



Garett has performed splendidly. He has finally rejoined his old friend, Edward, in the basement of Rosewood Manor. I will now be moving my equipment into the mansion itself. The final phase of my experiment is prepared.

The participants have all reached the final stages of their conditioning. Max is digging up the old well as we speak. Aspen has grown quite fond of putting the smooth, rounded rocks in her mouth. Only Elija is uneasy. But Tabitha is taking care of our little baby boy for now; his role will come soon enough.

Perhaps you have been curious, Professor, exactly what has been going on. Garett proved to be just as incapable of describing our sessions as expected. I will sit with our participants tomorrow and assess their grasp over the changes to their being. It will be a comprehensive recapitulation.

I am quite convinced the hypothesis has been proven a hundred-fold. A great dose of fear has indeed had a tremendously negative impact on their ability to rationalize and remember all that has been happening here.

Read part 17 here. (Part 17 will be up 1/15, 6PM)

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