I Have Always Hoped For Someone Like You


I have always hoped for someone to be mine and mine alone – to not worry about the person falling for another because for once, I am enough – and for once, I am the only one that they want.

I have always hoped for someone to be not only my significant other, but my best friend, too – for someone to be willing to hear my deepest and darkest secrets and fears. For someone to actually want to hear about my day and my endless ramblings.

I have always hoped for someone to love me for myself. My quirky flaws and constant need to be perfect. My bad habit of needing reassurance and appreciation. My endless talking. My being a nerd. My political views. My differences and beliefs. My values. My mistakes. My tendency to self-sabotage.

I have always hoped for someone to love me enough to introduce me to their parents – to bring me home and let them know about us – introduce me as who I am in their life, and not just a friend because I mean that much.

I have always wanted something serious – because at this age, games are no longer an option. Love is not a game to play, anyway. Love is what it is – it is nowhere near easy and it is a consistent and constant decision to make the relationship work and fight for each other to be together at the end of the day.

I found this when I met you.

I found this when I met you because when I met you, I knew – right then and there – that it was you I wanted to be with every waking morning and eerily silent night. I knew it was you I wanted to annoy with my constant bickering and craving for fries. I knew it was you that I wanted to be there by my side while I took over the world and achieved each and every dream.

I knew it was you.
I have always known it was you.

But I can only hope and pray that you feel the same way about me, too.