I Live In A Small Town In Texas Called Sanderson, And I Can Tell Something Weird Is Going On


After fumbling through my bag, I found the two things I’d need to pull this off. I crawled flat on my stomach to the nearest gas pump. I set my wind-up radio and one of my bombs right at the base of the pump. I had the radio’s alarm clock set to go off in just under three minutes, and I lit the fuse. I rolled back to the ditch and bolted back around the backside of the gas station. I approached the far corner from the pumps, behind the Stripes, facing the street and switching station. As I got to the corner, I almost ran into one of them. It was thankfully facing away, or it would’ve definitely seen me. I shifted all my momentum and ducked down behind a trash can. I could see its body start to pivot in my direction just as I squatted down. I could hear the thing take a step forward and its horrible inhaling sound as it sucked in air through it’s hollow, massive mouth. Before it took another step, my radio went off. Jimi Hendrix started belting on his guitar from the gas pumps. The creature turned back around and screeched in unison with all the others nearby. It darted the other way and towards the pumps. I stood back up at the corner of the alleyway, facing the street and the station. I didn’t know how long that fuse was going to burn or how big the following explosion was going to be, but I figured I should start gaining ground as soon as possible.

I burst out running and through the street, towards the switching station. I could see the engine of the train on the other side of the station getting closer. I snuck a glance back at the gas station. Just as one of the creatures gathered at the pumps noticed me, my bomb went off. Within a tenth of a second, a ball of fire 20 feet wide erupted and swallowed at least half of them. The rest of the pumps quickly ignited after the initial explosion, and a wall of fire bigger than I could comprehend engulfed everything in front of me. It sent me off my feet. I slid to a stop at the edge of the street in front of the station. I couldn’t draw in a breath or hear a damn thing. I was able to inhale, but nearly choked as soon as I did. I coughed up my lungs and tried to stand back up. Screeching and flames filled the night sky in front of me. Amidst all the pandemonium, I heard the glorious whistle blowing right behind me. I whirled around and dashed through the middle of the switching station. I cleared a four foot fence in one leap and made it to the platform just as the train engine roared past me. He must’ve been doing 30 mph and it looked like he was picking up speed. I didn’t stop running. I hooked a quick left and tried to match pace. I could see the end of the train already, and goddamn was he moving, but I wasn’t ready to give up now.

I poured every bit of strength and will into my legs and arms. I was nearing the end of the platform and the last car was right at my side. I leapt right with my last step on the cracked, old platform. My arm stretched out as far as I could extend it, and I just managed to grasp the bar at the corner of the freight car. The force nearly pulled my arm out of my socket, but even if it had, I wouldn’t have let go. I’d made it. I was on the last train out of Sanderson.