I Went To One Of Those Extreme Haunted Houses, But Something Went Horribly, Horribly Wrong


It was now getting dark outside. At the opposite end of the small clearing I saw a petite silhouette sitting huddled in a ball, hugging herself while rocking back and forth in a fetal position. I walked forward to get a better look at the scarecrow in the dark… Only to see that it was Steve!

I gasped and stumbled back, slightly losing my footing. I stared up at him. He was wearing overalls and a red flannel shirt which had been stuffed with straw. After regaining my footing, I slowly approached once again to examine my friend. His throat had been slashed ear-to-ear! My jaw dropped, all I could do was shake my head in horror and disbelief and slowly take a couple of steps back. What was going on here?!
What was happening?!

“He slit his throat.” I heard Helen say from behind me.

“What!” I turned my back to the figure across the clearing and looked at Helen.

“He killed them all, then he slit his throat.”

There was that almost smile again! Helen wasn’t making sense and was creeping me but. Something was definitely off about her. I knelt down to Helen’s level to hear what she was whispering, but she stopped talking.

“You crazy little girl! Why would he-How could he-”

“Maybe he had help.” Helen was beaming, not even attempting to hide her smile.

A cold chill hit me and traveled the length of my spine, causing me to shiver a little as the pieces fell into place. Before I could try to stand back up, Helen grabbed the collar of my shirt.

“They all deserved it. Now they will know what it’s like to be here alone.”

I closed my eyes.

“And guess what?” Helen pulled me close and whispered in my ear; “You’re next!”