Just About 72 Percent Of Women Are In Total Agreement That This Is The ‘Perfect’ Type Of Man
Since our very earliest interest in boys, most of us have been searching for the perfect man. At 10 and 11, we flip through teeny bopper magazines equating perfection to pre-pubescent members of boy bands and from there, for the rest of our lives, we’re focused on the idea of finding the ONE, the ideal man, who is perfect in every single possible way.
Whether we go for the tall and mysterious type or the short, chubby man who is funnier and smarter than he is good looking, we all have our own version of what constitutes perfection. Personally, I’d take Zach Galifianakis over Ryan Gosling, because that’s what perfect looks like to me. I used to think I was alone in this, but maybe not so much after all.
A new study by men’s British clothing company, Jacamo, found that 72 percent of UK ladies would gladly take the “boy next door” look over the look of “luscious hulks.”
I can’t say I’m entirely surprised based on some of my friends’ boyfriends ― I kid! Our preference aside, the study also found that what we consider to be utter perfection and what men think women find ideal are two completely different animals. In fact, 62 percent of men seem to think that women want a man with Hugh Jackman’s arms, Justin Bieber’s hair, Gerard Butler’s face, footballer Cristiano Ronaldo’s legs, and David Gandy’s torso. What the wha ―?!
First of all, I had to Google David Gandy (so hot), and secondly, Justin Bieber’s hair? I’d take Louis C.K.’s lack of hair over that kid’s silly mop top any day. While I don’t think every woman I know would agree with me on that exactly, I do think no female over the age of 14 is going to be posting on their online dating profile, “I’m looking for a man who ideally has Justin Bieber’s hair.” Oy vey.
While pasted all together it does make for one delicious man, the reality is that we, the women of the world, are into something a little bit different, and according to the study, it’s a man with a bit more fluff, charisma, and ging. What do we want? “Prince Harry’s hair, James Corden’s face, Paddy McGuinness’ arms, Ben Cohen’s torso, and Jonathan Ross’ legs,” to be exact.
Basically, based on the composite, we want the result to look like Seth Rogan. Women want Seth Rogan ― imagine that.
But no matter whose face and body women put together to make Mr. Perfect, the outcome is still the same.
We want real men, as opposed to cardboard cutouts or Photoshopped abs with great lighting. We want men with personality, soft, cozy middle sections , and someone who can make us laugh. That’s what we all want.
Now if Jacamo could do the same study but with what men consider to be perfect. Not to be judgmental, but I have a sneaking suspicion that what body pieces men throw together to create the perfect women is just going to prove which gender is the far less superficial. I’m betting on us, ladies.