All the Video Game Consoles I’ve Ever Owned in Chronological Order, Pt. 3 of 4


Nintendo 64 (1996-2001)

I didn’t own this console. My cousin did. I deliberately chose not to own this console because it features the worst controller design ever, because I did not want to play blocky 3D platformers and because I hated the new Zeldas. When I say that someone is definitely going to ‘cry on a forum,’ even those readers who laughed when I suggested angry gamers were going to go ‘cry on a forum’ about me skipping the NES for a while or something, it will be because I said that [in re the N64 Zeldas.]

Most people will say ‘The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time is the best Zelda’, possibly they will say it was ‘the best video game of all time.’ Those people are totally entry-level or confused by nostalgia. A Link to the Past is the best Zelda, and the best video game of all time [being pretty ‘objective’, using general standards & not my ‘personal faves’] is probably Castlevania Symphony of the Night or Super Metroid.