Why You Missed All Of The CMJ Bands You Were Totally Going To See

You might read all of these tweets and status updates and feel excited and attempt to assemble a CMJ ‘plan of attack’ for yourself and your friends. The official CMJ website seeks to facilitate this by implementing a ‘schedule builder’ so that you can put all the bands you are theoretically going to see into one schedule so you will always know where to go for which ‘act.’

The Week’s Internet Shit Talking in Review

Shit talking this week experienced somewhat of a lull. While we did start off the week strong with the Glenn Beck’s rally—an event that later gained the enigmatic spiritual warrior the title “The White Malcom X” from one reporter at The Daily Beast—shit talking slacked during the middle of the week…

Thoughts on ABC’s My Generation

I saw a preview of “My Generation” on Youtube. It said the show is about people who graduated in 2000 and what they’re doing ten years later. I was like, “Oh my god, this is about me!” I danced around my living room excited to find out television has finally decided to take my generation seriously.

TC Month In Review: August

This month at Thought Catalog, we cataloged a lot of thought. Jimmy Chen cataloged thoughts about Old Spice, bird shit, online dating, and porn. Shawn Vandor cataloged a recollection of his vacation to Mallorca, a small Mediterranean island, located to the southeast of Spain. Andrew James Weatherhead cataloged the four times he saw people have seizures.

Of Montreal and Janelle Monae Live at Terminal 5 (9.18.10)

The last time I saw Of Montreal was over a decade ago, at a modest festival in St. Louis, Missouri. The music hasn’t stuck with me, beyond a general impression of a ‘90s version of the ‘60s version of the ’20s, but I recall that the show’s “theatrical” element was…

E-Tomb Preserves Your Social Networking Persona Forever

A tombstone for the internet-age, it stores all a dead person’s social presences – Facebook, Twitter, blogs, photos, videos, etc., in one easy to access space. A bluetooth-like device – the cross on the front of the tombstone – transmits and makes available this data. When the departed’s relatives visit the stone, they can interact with their now defunct internet presences via mobile.

Leor Galil’s Best Albums of 2010

This year, I’m not entirely sure I’m fit to write a “best of” list that speaks for all of society. Then again, lists like these shouldn’t be thought of as the final word on a year’s cultural output, even for the person who wrote the list. Tastes change, people discover music from years past and realized they overlooked it.