The 20 Most Terrifying Things That Actually Exist In Real Life
Found on Ask Reddit
1. Epidermolysis Bullosa
Epidermolysis Bullosa. An excruciatingly painful skin disorder. Basically your skin is falling off of you and rips and tears easily.
2. Dementia and Alzheimer’s
Dementia and Alzheimer’s. Not being able to remember anyone including your children or loved ones. It is horrifying to think about.
3. The Suicide Plant
The “Suicide Plant”
Its a plant, doesnt seem so bad
The recommended treatment for skin exposed to the hairs is to apply diluted hydrochloric acid
you know why its nicknamed the suicide plant?
silica-tipped hairs to penetrate the skin. The hairs cause an extremely painful stinging sensation that can last anywhere from days to years,
thats why, pain for days up to years
this is a plant you dont wanna be anywhere near.
— J123uk
4. The botfly
The botfly. It lays eggs under your skin and the larvae squirm and move around under your skin until they hatch. Yuck. It makes my skin crawl thinking about it.
5. Naegleria fowleri
Naegleria fowleri. An amoeba found in warm water, if it gets up your nose or otherwise finds its way into your brain … you’re dead:
Less than 1% of people with naegleriasis survive
And you’re not going to die peacefully. You’ll have a high fever, hallucinations, and intense pain which painkillers won’t work on (as the pain is coming from inside your brain).
— _Hopped_
6. Giant Asian Hornets
These motherfuckers, the Giant Asian Hornets. They kill 40 people a year. One of them can kill upwards of 50 honeybee a minute and they attack in groups taking out entire hives in less than an hour.
If you get stung once, you’re in for some excruciating pain, for two or three stings you are advised to seek immediate medical attention. More than ten stings you’ll die a very painful death.
7. Disease-carrying mosquitoes
Disease-carrying mosquitoes and other insects.
The mere fact that they can carry deadly diseases and transmit them to you is horrifying to me.
— madism
8. Aneurysms
You might feel 100% fine, have an aneurysm give out and be dead before you finish reading this comment.
9. ALS
My mother got diagnosed two months ago. Since then she lost the ability to walk, talk and eat. All in a span of six months of weird symptoms.
She’ll probably wont live another month.
So much that has to be researched with this hideous disease. So when you see someone raising money for research, please give.
10. The Open Ocean
The Open Ocean.
Hundreds of feet deep, with nothing but water, darkness below, and the terrifying thought that something is going to catch you.
Even worse, being in the middle of the open ocean. I mean just down there, in the water, with no way or telling what’s around you. It’s horrifying to think that you’re still so vulnerable.
11. This murder
The murder of a Japanese girl that was raped >400 times and beaten, then put into a barrel filled with concrete
12. Locked In Syndrome
Locked in syndrome aka pseudocoma.
While research shows the people are generally happy… I can’t imagine…
13. Gamma Ray Burst
Gamma Ray Burst. Won’t see it coming and it can boil the oceans away in seconds. All life down to bacteria die. Just from a beam of light.
14. Child porn and torture porn
Child porn and torture porn. A BDSM fetish is one thing, but when it’s real or under aged it’s just awful. It’s a terrifying thought that you could be one of those victims. Also people pay to view such hideous things for their sexual amusement. Everything about that is just sick, and anyone who partakes in such a crime should face justice.
15. “Dead man’s hand” systems
“Dead man’s hand” systems, which automatically launch a massive retaliatory nuclear strike if they detect a nuclear strike in their country. I’m not explaining it very well but it’s basically a system that can escalate the destructive whims of a psychotic head of state into a literal nuclear apocalypse.
16. Guinea worms
Guinea worms. You can pick them up by walking around barefoot in stagnant water. They grow to size in your abdomen and then move their way around your body until they feel like slowly burrowing through your skin. These things can get relatively big.
17. Bone Cancer
Bone Cancer. It itches me just thinking about it.
— law00d
18. Carbon Monoxide
I’ve said this before in a similar post but; Carbon Monoxide. Silent and deadly.
19. Crush Porn
Crush porn. I cannot understand why someone would willingly watch or especially create that, you must be a complete psychopath to even want to watch it.
To save anyone from googling it, its someone [usually women in stilettos] crushing baby animals (often kittens and puppies) with her heels.
20. A giant underground volcano
A giant underground volcano under Yellowstone Park that if it erupts could destroy most of the Northern Hemisphere.