The One Advantage Anxious People Have Over Everyone Else


Anxious people tend to have weird ticks like biting their nails, stuttering, and fidgeting. But on the upside: they’re apparently smarter than everyone else!

The University in Ontario, Canada conducted a study, surveying 100 students to see how much they worry. The students who have more angst tend to score higher on the verbal intelligence test.

Not to mention, this isn’t the first study on this matter.

In 2012, psychologists from Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya asked 80 students to assess artwork presented by a software program but were set up by the the researchers to activate a computer virus seemingly by accident. An actress then would attempted to get technical support. The students who were more anxious proved to be the ones who focused on fixing the virus.

So yes, you may be a worry-wart but lucky you! Seems as though it’s a sign of great things to come!

This post originally appeared at YourTango.