The Ultimate 2016 Holiday Shopping List: Wine Edition


Have a friend, family member, or loved who loves wine more than most humans? (Me.) Looking to find the perfectly useful yet still unique gift for the wine-obsessed person in your life? (Me.) Conveniently, here is a list of 10 perfect wine-related holiday gift ideas that are bound to impress even the Grinchiest wine drinker around (ME.):


The necessary every day, ordinary wine glass… that holds 1 entire (750ml) bottle of wine.


This adorable wall decal that educationally blends science and wine-ence into a perfect piece of wall décor. Also great for anyone who likes Breaking Bad.


This spill-proof wine glass for your sloppiest friend.


These suction-cup wine glass holders that secure up to a whopping 10 pounds of vino to an easily accessible location in your bath and/or shower.


For anyone that loves wine, Harry Potter, and tank tops (AKA for everyone).


Because, honestly, everything does happen for a Riesling.


And also because you had me at merlot.


While super fun, the holidays can also be exhausting. Rest your head on a pillow (or a BUNCH of pillows) while you relax and re-wine.


Sometimes, we misplace our corks. Or simply decide to immediately throw them in whatever decorative, cork-collecting jar or vase we’re using as a centerpiece. Thank goodness for these.


Last, but certainly not least, it’s important to remember that—even if you run out of wine—you can always pay to have more delivered to you in under an hour.

Hip, hip, Rosé! Buy, drink, and be merry. And remember to drink wine like it’s water responsibly.