There Is A 50 Shades Of Grey Parody Twitter Account Called @50NerdsofGrey And It Is Everything
By Jacob Geers
Looking for something that will make you actually laugh out loud? You’re in the right place, because this nerdy 50 Shades of Grey parody twitter account is 100% on-point. Here are 14 of their funniest tweets so far:
'I've been a very bad girl,' she said, biting her lip. 'I need to be punished.'
'Very well,' he said and installed Windows 10 on her laptop.— 50 Nerds of Grey (@50NerdsofGrey) September 7, 2015
'Pleasure and pain can be experienced simultaneously,' he grinned, handing her a slice of pizza as they watched The Phantom Menace.
— 50 Nerds of Grey (@50NerdsofGrey) September 12, 2015
'Hurt me!' she begged, leaning over his desk.
'Alright,' he said. 'Your phone's out of date and you're terrible at quadratic equations.'— 50 Nerds of Grey (@50NerdsofGrey) September 11, 2015
She said she was turned on by men who took risks. So he took the plastic off his iPhone screen.
— 50 Nerds of Grey (@50NerdsofGrey) September 10, 2015
'So,' she said, entering his bedroom, 'This is where the magic happens.'
'Oh yes,' he smiled, putting on his Harry Potter glasses and cloak.— 50 Nerds of Grey (@50NerdsofGrey) September 9, 2015
'I'm your slave tonight,' she said breathlessly, 'I'll do whatever you want.'
'OK' he said, 'You can sort my Lego while I watch Doctor Who.'— 50 Nerds of Grey (@50NerdsofGrey) September 9, 2015
'It's so long!' she squealed, 'I don't think it's going to fit!'
'Sorry,' he said, 'It isn't easy saying what you want in 140 characters.'— 50 Nerds of Grey (@50NerdsofGrey) September 9, 2015
He was very careful during bondage sessions. He always used a safe word that contained upper and lower case letters and at least one number.
— 50 Nerds of Grey (@50NerdsofGrey) September 9, 2015
'Come over,' she begged. 'I need you right now!'
'Just turn it off and on again,' he sighed. He hated these late night rebooty calls.— 50 Nerds of Grey (@50NerdsofGrey) September 7, 2015
'Harder!' she screamed, 'Harder!'
'Alright,' he said. 'What's the square root of nine times twelve divided by six point three recurring?'— 50 Nerds of Grey (@50NerdsofGrey) September 6, 2015
He was heavily into BDSM – Batman, Dungeons & Dragons, Star Trek and Mathematics.
— 50 Nerds of Grey (@50NerdsofGrey) September 6, 2015
She knelt naked before him, breasts heaving with desperate desire but he just stood there in silence.
He didn't know how to talk to girls.— 50 Nerds of Grey (@50NerdsofGrey) September 5, 2015
'It's so long and hard!' she said, stroking the shaft.
'Of course,' I beamed 'It's a limited edition replica Return of the Jedi lightsaber.'— 50 Nerds of Grey (@50NerdsofGrey) September 5, 2015
'You're so hot!' she cried.
'Actually I'm 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit, which is well within the normal body temperature parameters,' he replied.— 50 Nerds of Grey (@50NerdsofGrey) September 5, 2015