This Is What I Hope For You
By Sophie Rooke
Oh darling, you have no idea how truly, truly special you are. I know things right now are tough and confusing, but one day you’ll realize again that when you laugh and sing and dance, the magic you carry from within your bones pours out and dances its way down onto the lives of those you love most. I hope that one day you’ll wake between warm blankets and cups of coffee, look into the mirror, and see someone who’s worth is and always was limitless. I hope you discover how to fall head over heels in love with yourself before you do another soul. And with that, learn to nurture and cradle your own heart.
I hope that when you feel overwhelmed or scared or that the world is caving in around you, you’ll look up at the stars in the night sky and feel at home, knowing you’re full of infinite love. I hope you begin to relish the feeling of being alive again, and truly, truly savor that feeling, carrying it within your soul for when times get tough. I hope you’ll watch beautiful films that show you what real and deep and authentic love looks like. Read books that speak to you in a whole different language and listen to music while lying in a candlelit bath—I hope you allow the lyrics to move through you like piano strings.
And I hope that one day you’ll learn to fall in love with the little things again, from late night swims in the ocean and early morning sunrises to holding hands with your forever person and picking up your favorite breakfast from that cafe you love so much.
But most of all, I hope you come to terms with the fact that the way you’re feeling is okay. It is okay and nothing more than a tiny, temporary fragment of your life. I wish you could see all the beautiful things that are mapped out in the stars for you. But for now, have hope. Have the courage to know that better things are on their way to you; have faith in the universe and all her power. Because trust me, you have not yet experienced the best moments of your life. The kind in which the days leave you with salty skin and a stretched smile. You have not yet tasted the best coffee in the world, the kind that leaves your tastebuds grinning from ear to ear. You have not yet intertwined fingertips with your father on his 50th birthday as you sit around the table munching cake.
And you have not yet come across the soul who gets you, who admires and loves and cherishes you. The soul who is absolutely besotted by every single beautiful part of you.
So stay, please?