To The Guy Who Made Me Fall In Love When I Didn’t Believe In Love


Thank you.

Thank you for opening my heart and my mind. Thank you for teaching me that there are good things in this world and that they can happen even to me. Thank you for being the guy I needed to know existed.

I’ll admit that I was a bit cynical when we met. I knew that love could make you soft and stupid and I was afraid of that, I didn’t know what came over people when they fell for the wrong person and turned their lives upside down. I was scared to be dumb, to make bad decisions, to give up control — and it’s by doing all of these things with you that I became a better person, a person who truly lives.

You showed me that it’s okay to let go. It’s okay to indulge in something that feels good and all my alarms going off that this was too good to be true — well, they just need to learn not to be so pessimistic.

Even though things didn’t work out with you, I believe in love now. I know that there are good guys out there. I know that letting your guard down is worth it.

We all need this person in our lives. The one who changes us. The one who helps us believe when our faith is running on empty. To all who have been this person for others — thank you. And to the people who need this person — good luck.