Twitter Just Changed Its Character Limit And It’s So Extra People Can’t Stop Making Fun Of It


If you haven’t yet heard, Twitter will soon be implementing its biggest change yet: changing the 140 character limit to 280 characters.


It may seem like just a small difference for some, but let me tell you: this is going to change Twitter forever. For the best? I don’t know. But it all just seems so…extra?

Like, do I really care enough to hear 280 characters worth of information about anyone’s life???

Though, to be fair, the new character limit could really change up the game when it comes to how we express ourselves.

I’m sure going to miss the brevity, though. The fun of Twitter is that it forced us to be concise — to tell the best story in the shortest way possible. That’s why the jokes that actually worked were such gold.

Personally, I like this person’s idea.

Only a select number of users have the 280-character limit now to test how people respond to it, but the company hopes to implement it in its entirety soon. Does this mean I have to listen to twice the complaining now????

So what do you think? 140 characters or 280? Does any of this really matter? You tell me.