Uber Wants To Know Which Of Their Drivers Is A Drug Dealer, But Live-Tweeting Passenger Isn’t Snitching


This is the epic story of @NotLikeAnt, his (probably) drug-dealing Uber driver, and Uber Support.

It began when @NotLikeAnt called for an Uber to pick him up, and he immediately got a weird feeling about him.

But our live-tweeting hero was curious, and while probing a little more, he got his answer.

This confirmation led to some concerns about his own welfare —

— and some other interesting information.

Uber Support, however, picked up on the Live-tweet discussion and swooped in with an offer to help.

But @NotLikeAnt wasn’t about to “snitch” on anyone.

Some of his followers seemed interested in “getting a ride” from this “Uber driver.”

And, finally, we are left with one major outstanding question: was he satisfied with the ride or nah?

If you have any information about drug dealing Uber drivers, I’m sure @Uber_Support would be keen to hear about it, seeing as they aren’t likely to get anything out of @NotLikeAnt.