Why We Should Live Like We’ve Never Been Hurt
By Rania Naim
People say love like you’ve never been hurt, but how about we try to live like we’ve never been hurt? Live like life never disappointed us, like pain didn’t change us, like we didn’t grow up or learn, like we are still innocent kids believing that life will turn out exactly the way we want it to. Every now and then let’s live with the naiveté of a 7 year old.
Even if it sounds unrealistic, even if it sounds crazy, even if it sounds impossible, we should try to live like that – even for one day.
We should live like we know we’ll get what we want when we ask for it. Like the universe is our genie granting us anything we wish for. Like the universe is here to spoil us and give us everything we want.
We should live like we never fell off the bike or fell while running. We should run like we are free and we should throw caution to the wind and let our bodies roam the world – unafraid of bruises.
We should live worry-free, like we have all the time in the world to do the things we want and be with the people we love. We shouldn’t worry about the right time or the wrong time or worry about time at all. Life is infinite.
We should say what’s on our minds and in our hearts without calculating or rephrasing or editing. We should speak with no reservations, we shouldn’t be afraid of being vulnerable or throwing tantrums or crying in bed next to our favorite soft toy. We shouldn’t be afraid to feel.
We should quit things we don’t like and stay in bed all morning because we feel like it. We shouldn’t wake up to responsibilities that drain us and a routine that slowly kills us.
We should look forward to our birthdays and throw the biggest and greatest birthday parties. We should get excited about growing up and making our dreams come true. We should get excited about life.
We should believe in romance and fairy-tales, we should believe in a love that is so pure and real, we should believe in ‘forever’ against all odds.
We should believe in miracles and magic and a life that is bigger and better than what we know, we should wake up every day waiting for a miracle.
We should have expectations that are not crushed by reality or rules or rights and wrongs. We should live to break the rules and find ways to get away with it.
We should be silly and playful and laugh as loudly as we can, we shouldn’t worry about what people might say. We shouldn’t suppress our laughter or our joy.
We should play house and dream of our perfect home. A home that is built with love, not broken hearts and unfulfilled promises or empty rooms and unspoken words. We should believe in a happy home – one we want to go to every night and wake up in every morning.
We should live like we don’t know any better.