You Are More Than Your Emotions
By Lily Low
You are more than your pain.
You are more than the things that you went through.
If no one has told you this recently, let me remind you that you are so much more than your experiences.
You are more than your sadness. You are not defined by the uncontrollable tears streaming down your face, you are not defined by your shoulders wracking with sobs, you are not just the person who went in over her head.
You are more than your anger. You are not defined by the seething rage you felt when you sensed your comrades being hurt, you are not just the gnashing of teeth when you refuse to show that you were hurt, you are not just the boy who is unable to have a hold over his intense temper.
You are more than your happiness. You are made up of more than just the smiles on your face, the laughter when you find your own jokes hilarious, the genuine exclamations of joy when you celebrate a friend’s success. You bring more than the cheery exterior.
You are more than your pain. Whether it being the loss of a dear loved one, betrayal of a close friend, or heartbreak – you have lived and you have learned, but you are not defined by the people who have hurt you or the people you have hurt.
You are more than your successes. The pats on the back you receive after receiving an award, the hushed whispers and looks of awe in your direction, the shiny trophy accompanied with a certificate which was made up of many sacrificed outings. You are more than the recognition, you are more than the knowledge you’ve gained.
You are more than your failures. The exchanging of harsh words in a dispute, the tears pricking at the edge of your eyelids when you are backed up against the wall, the embarrassment when you screw up in front of your entire form. You are more than that single impression, and you are going to get through each and every failure.
You are more than the moments where you feel trapped in your state of mental health. You are more than your depression, your anxiety, your PTSD, your bipolar disorder, your schizophrenia. You are a whole person despite your struggles, and what defines you is what you choose to do with them. You are made up of more than you think you are – you are strong, brave, and radiant.
You are loved, and you are light. Dearly beloved, remember to learn to receive every now and then the love you give to the people in your life.
You are so much more than your emotions,
And you have the power to proclaim hope over your struggles.
You are made up of the experiences in your life,
But you are more than your imperfections and your scars –
You are beautiful and magnificent.
Now, take the chance to embrace you;
And actively choose to be the light and salt of this world.