27 Advantages Of Being A Man (According To 27 Women)


18. Not having to bite your lip at work.

“In the work world, in my field, I don’t feel that men need to be think as much about how and when they speak up about issues or about their own work. I frequently need to be concerned that if I don’t speak up about something, people won’t take me or my work into consideration. However, if I do say something, I need to think hard about how to do it so coming off as sounding entitled, difficult, or just ‘crazy.’

Indeed, being in the work world means that we all, men and women, need to take care to moderate and modulate our behavior to get the results we need. However there is a wider variation about what is allowed for men than women. I frequently see women where I work spoken of, and treated, as if they are annoying or hard to work with for doing things that people even respond to positively when me do it. And I often see us taking people and their work into consideration even if they don’t show up to the meeting at all if the person is a man, women who are even at the meeting but don’t say enough and in the right way, are often just brushed off.

One interesting point on this is that I have that this impacts me more and more as I age and move up in the work world. When I was younger, I did not feel this way nearly as much and I now realize that was because there was always someone above me who could shield me from these issues, particularly if I worked extra hard and produced very good results they might even be eager to do so. Now I am that higher-up and I realize all the bullshit people have to deal with for themselves and others. I realize how, even bosses I didn’t like were taking care that I didn’t need to fight my own battles all the time.”


19. Suits.

“Suits. Not just does just-about every guy look so good in one, but the fact (that I am envious about) is that you can wear them everywhere. Going to work? You can wear a suit. Going to a wedding? You can wear a suit. Funeral? Suit. Christening? Suit. Confirmation? Suit.

And you don’t even need more than one; who is going to tell one well-tailored suit from another? Just swap shirt and/or tie.”


20. Boys’ clubs.

“Having the majority of industries and careers be ‘boys’ clubs’.”
