27 Advantages Of Being A Man (According To 27 Women)


25. You don’t get sucked into party planning.

“I get sucked into a lot of party planning as a woman. I have no interest at all. I’m kind of expected to show up at those stupid Mary Kay/jewelry parties and support my friends/family. When it comes to planned family events I’m the one who’s called on to help and not my boyfriend. I just don’t care. The little girly make up/clothes get togethers are fucking stupid and boring, I’m sick of having to be the one to pick out the gifts for everything, I’m sick of baking shit all the time, and I’m sick and fucking tired of wasting money on it all. It’s especially aggravating this time of year. Guys are left alone about this kind of stuff, must be nice.”


26. Deep voices.

“Having deep voices. Having an easier time getting fit and being prone to less complications. I have runner’s knee basically because I have wide hips. Or maybe because I don’t know how to stretch properly. I’m not really sure, but men’s bodies just seem built to be strong and I kind of envy that. Oh, and they’re tall. Even the average short guy is taller than me (5’2.5″).”


27. You’re considered more credible than women.

“The credibility. God damn how I wish sometimes I had a penis, so I didn’t have to ‘prove’ my knowledge on things.”


Read This: 27 Advantages Of Being A Man (According To 27 Women)