27 Advantages Of Being A Man (According To 27 Women)


21. Having a dick.

“Dicks are pretty neat. I totally get Freud’s penis envy theory. Also the daddy issues thing. What were we talking about again?”


22. Being taken seriously by men.

“Being taken seriously by men. I’m short and skinny, with a soft voice, and both at work and when I’m studying nobody ever takes me seriously. Both my work and the field I’m studying are pretty male-dominated.”


23. Having balls that can slap against a lady’s ass.

“I envy men for having balls that can slap against a lady’s ass while he’s boning her. I don’t know why, but I feel supremely jealous of not being able to have that sensation.”


24. It’s easier to lose weight.

“Woman here. It seems that losing weight is so much easier for men. Super jealous of that!!”
