30 Stories From Lucky Couples Who Married The First Person They Dated


25. For me, I had kind of chased another girl around for maybe a year or two. After that time I realized she and I just didn’t have the same priorities and goals in life (I was 17 she was 19). After she went to school I had met another girl and she really liked me for who I was and didn’t make me try to change who I was and never stupidly played hard to get while making self destructive choices in her life. The more we hung out the closer we got and then once we started dating I just kind of knew after the first month this was who I would be with. Sounds super cliche but it’s true, we’ve been together 9 years and married for 5 with a lot more on the horizon!

26. Multiple reasons.

  1. When we first met, I naturally gravitated towars him and he gravitated towards me despite being with people I knew better and being very introverted and shy.

  2. I was poor growing up so when we went out with friends to Taco Bell on the FIRST DAY WE MET I didnt buy anything. He gave me his nachos because he was “full”. My husband is a big guy who doesn’t get full easily.

  3. He is a sweet guy who didnt pressure me into a relationship at all. We met in 2008 but didnt start officially dating until 2012.

  4. His birthday is August 19th. If you calculate 9 months and one day later (a typical average of human gestation), that day is May 20th. Which is my birthday. We joke that I was literally made for him.

There are so many other little things but these stand out to me as special and unique.