30 Stories From Lucky Couples Who Married The First Person They Dated


 4. He was and is everything I ever wanted in a partner. Just sitting in the same room with him lifts my spirits. We don’t need to talk or interact for me to just feel better (though talking and interacting is also awesome). Being in his presence is like being in a warm, loving glow.

I have never had a desire to be with anyone else after him. He’s the first and only. I don’t see why anyone would need to compare or shop around after finding the perfect mate – and he is perfect for me.

5. We started dating in high school. First bf/gf. First kiss. First everything. In 3 months we will celebrate 11 years married, but we have been together for 17 years.

I love our friendship. He is my best friend. We are VERY different people, and work hard to always take care of each other.

I love that I don’t have any jealousy, or baby momma/daddy drama, or ex-gf/bf craziness.

Our bedroom is active and on fire (even with 2 kids).

I adore him and can’t wait to reach my life goal of being little old people together.