30 Uber Drivers Talk About Their Weirdest, Creepiest Passengers 


6. My second night driving ever. 2am. Pulled up to a clearing in the woods in the middle of Denville, NJ. I had to go partially off road to get to the spot, I don’t even know how it showed up on my map. I pull up to a spot that looks like Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Theres a busted old barn thats dry-rotted and falling apart, and there is the rear bucket of a landscaping truck HANGING from a tree FILLED with beer cans, I mean FILLED.

All of a sudden I see my rider come out of the woods, chugging a beer with his other hand in the air signaling to me. He gets in and doesn’t say a word. We start driving and I go

“How was your night man?” just to break the awkwardness. He responded very…normally…”Good man, just hung out with some friends at the bar got really drunk and met some chicks. Then we all went out into the parking lot and dropped acid.”

….”Oh…wow!” Now I’m wondering if this dude is hallucinating that I’m Satan taking him to hell in my Honda Pilot Demon Chariot .

“So..How did you end up in the woods man? There are no bars near where I picked you up…” He was completely silent, didn’t say a word. I glanced into the rear view mirror and he was DEAD STARING INTO MY FUCKING SOUL…

I looked back at the road, at this point we were in a pretty well populated area so I felt safer. He was silent for the remaining 14 minutes of the ride until about 2 minutes from his destination he asked me if we could stop at the convenience store on the way. I obliged and he asked if I wanted anything, I declined and as I dropped him off he gave me a really nice $10 tip and said “Thanks Maria”.. I’m a dude.

The second worst was last year I was borderline sexually assaulted by another dude, but that wasn’t really weird just scary.