50 Pieces Of Advice That Sound Like Total Lies That Are Actually Pretty Useful


47. “Your gums bleed when you floss because you don’t floss enough.”

Turns out if you floss enough, your gums won’t be inflamed so they don’t bleed when you floss.

48. That Forest app. It grows a tree for up to 2 hours and during that time, you can’t access any apps you think will distract you. If you wanna open a distracting app, you’d have to kill your tree. All your trees, dead or alive, appear in a little forest. I have always had trouble motivating myself to focus on homework and not look at Reddit/YouTube, but this app is just enough guilt to not open them. I haven’t killed anything yet and I’m surprised at how much I can care about a small virtual tree. People told me about it and I just completely assumed that I’d never use it or it wouldn’t work for me considering how distractible I am, but it works wonders.