This Video Of Men Acting Like Women Over The Holidays Confirms Women Are No Fun
This is why I always hang out with the dudes at holiday gatherings.
This is why I always hang out with the dudes at holiday gatherings.
Why do you think you would be the right person to examine a woman? There’s a whole 50% of your species with direct experience with a woman’s body, don’t you think they’d be better suited to be experts in this field?
You know humor is best delivered in taco bell references. You were born in the 90s. Netflix is your god and pizza your body of jesus.
Maybe it just looks like we women are having too much fun over here forming our own opinions.
It feels like being Cleopatra and ruling the entire free world with your sexuality.
The thought cannot possibly escape your mind–if they are so judgmental and unforgiving in one area of their life–how will they not be judgmental and unforgiving when they are seeing my naked body?
meth is freaking fun, actually.
If you really care about reducing car accidents where people are texting and driving you should probably consider that texting and driving is inevitable.