This Is Why Broken Girls Have The Strongest Hearts
See, the girl with the strongest heart is broken because the pieces she thought made her whole, were the ones that shattered her.
See, the girl with the strongest heart is broken because the pieces she thought made her whole, were the ones that shattered her.
Aries: You need to be with somebody who fills your life with surprises, adventures, and little magical moments that keep you pre-occupied. Be with somebody who takes your breath away.
She’s your best friend first, and your lover second.
You are worthy of the love you pray for at night
I’m finally seeing that you’ll never be loved like the way I loved you.
I hope you embrace the badass in you.
I’m not letting an asshole be my almost boyfriend when I can have a real man be my forever person.
You stop worrying about things that don’t matter (distractions) and you begin to pay more attention to the things that do (the experience).
I’m done pretending that I want to be single because I want to be honest about the things I need moving forward.
Life after graduation is lonely. You’re on your own. You realize that no one is coming to save you. So, you learn to be your own best friend. You learn to take care of yourself when no one else is.