5 Reasons Why Having A Boyfriend Is Better Than Being Single
The truth is: Every girl wants a boyfriend.
The truth is: Every girl wants a boyfriend.
More than likely, others will view you as weak and you’ll be a main target.
Since you have siblings, you don’t have to be the center of attention at Aunt Ree-Ree’s because well your brother and sister will have to endure the same conversation.
Even though she doesn’t always agree, she’ll support you.
Moving to another state when you’ve never left your house is pretty darn scary. It’s even more frightening when it’s 827…
Most people seem to think that logging online to find someone is downright pathetic. And, guess what? I used to be one of those people.
I refuse to let being scared get the best of me. I’ve done that in the past and have missed out on various opportunities. I want to live, be free and stop being so darn afraid of my own shadow.
The thing I must learn is we cannot and will not always have cuddle sessions. Sure, he likes to snuggle once in a while, but unlike me, he doesn’t want to do it every night.
Relationships are about sacrifice and give and take. I know that he must complete a project once he starts it, but I’m not sure if I’ll understand why.
Being new in town has its ups and downs. For starters, you don’t know anyone or which restaurants are known or which clubs or bars are hopping!