4 Ways To Maintain Balance As An Introverted Extrovert
Don’t let your inner voice make you feel bad for being shy sometimes
Don’t let your inner voice make you feel bad for being shy sometimes
Wherever you go, there you are.
We are all here, flailing around, figuring it out, dealing with what comes our way because we have to get from point A to point B.
I realized it wasn’t just the cliche of traveling and finding myself, I truly developed habits that transformed my experiences.
Isn’t it funny how people always contemplate life at the airport?
Probably the most fascinating thing about modern television and film is how serial killers and stalkers are somehow sexy.
Most of all the so-called fabulous parties are filled with Instagram posers doing duck face in their Kylie lip kit. The only thing that’s cool at these New York parties is how many likes you can get on the picture with a skyline view.
Being vulnerable is the same as being powerful.
Do not base your value on success or praise.