Owning A Home 10 Years From Now

The idea behind this story is that due to the fact that we Millennials have been cooped up in our apartments, or parent’s basements – that we will in the next 10 years – bust out, and say “Enough is enough!”

Marriage In Your 20s Needs To Stop Being Polarizing

The definition of marriage has changed. And no I’m not referring to gay marriage, either. The definition of traditional marriage has changed. Times have changed. Expectations have changed. And there has been a steady, and not necessarily terrible shift in priorities.

11 Relationships 20-Somethings Are Good At Being Involved In

Netflix: Like your first true love, or a prostitute, you’ve shelled out that $8 a month with pride. The icon on your smart device, sits like a first date photo on your desk at work to let everyone know that you’re with Netflix for the long-haul.

Thought Catalog Comment Sections

Can we just take a few minutes and really think about the subject matter that is being discussed before we jump directly to “Let’s question your existence as a human being – because you don’t share my opinion on this subject, so screw off?”