How To Stop Caring About Anything

Soon enough we’ll all be able to couch ourselves in material comfort and just patiently await death like we used to before the towers fell. Some folks call it anti-intellectualism, I call it remembering the 90s.

Here’s What Sean Penn Actually Said At The Oscars

With all the denunciations of the Oscars as a display of bigotry and hatred, it’s important for us members of the media to remember that the people – the worthless peon consumers of our art – are actually capable of deciding for themselves whether or not something is offensive.

Looks Like God’s Real After All, Idiots

Well, I’ve been saying it for my entire life (with a brief exception of a few years in my teens where I decided to be an atheist to “test the waters” of sinnery) but now I can triumphantly announce with 100% certainty that God is, without question, for real.