In 2018, It’s Time To Love Dangerously

So, love dangerously. Throw all your hang ups out of the window. Let them see your flaws without being hyper anxious about letting them see the real you. Allow love to happen to you.

Sorry, But I Would Rather Just Be Me

Something hammered inside my blood that was like a song. Something sang beneath my skin with urgency reminding me who I was. Something told me that what I am, I could never give up. 

If They Aren’t Nourishing Your Soul In These 6 Ways, They Aren’t Your Soulmate

If you’ve had a bad day or a great one, if you’ve achieved a high accomplishment or the world has been unjust, you are allowed your feelings about it. If they are invalidating your feelings and making you feel small, they aren’t nurturing your spirit and they’re making you believe how you feel is something you must apologise for.

You Are The Dream That Became A Nightmare

He’s possessive because he cares, I gritted my teeth through it. He shouts at me because he wants me the best I can be, I convinced myself. Around 60 percent of the time you were amazing anyway, what did it matter that you struggled to be perfect the other 40? I could live with that, I told myself. I could live with that.

Except I couldn’t.

8 Little Cosmic Reminders To Aid Your Healing

You are the direct result of approximately 4 billion years of unbroken lineage all the way from single celled organisms. Remember this when you feel invalid. It took 4 billion years to make you for this very moment. Your existence has meaning.