Maybe I Don’t Exactly Know What Love Is But I Know What It Feels Like
I know when someone loves you, everyone can see it and everyone can feel it. You don’t question it. You don’t sleep at night thinking whether or not it’s true.
I know when someone loves you, everyone can see it and everyone can feel it. You don’t question it. You don’t sleep at night thinking whether or not it’s true.
You’re allowed to say no. You’re allowed to object and you’re allowed to stand up for yourself.
You make forget that I promised myself not to fall too fast. You make me want to break all my promises, you make me want to be soft again.
Sometimes when they try to save us from the darkness they’re actually blocking the light.
Fight for your freedom because love is best when it’s free, it’s best when no one else can tell you what to do or how to love and it’s best when someone falls in love with who you really are — away from all these distractions, away from all the noise, away from all those who are trying to keep you in your shell because they’re afraid of what might happen when you learn how to fly.
The world is a beautiful place but sometimes it feels like you’re the only one in it. You’re the only one struggling to make it, you’re the only one who’s heartbroken, you’re the only one who’s in love with someone who doesn’t love you back.
I don’t know if my story will make sense to others or if people will relate to it, but I hope it makes sense to you. I hope you always find yourself in it.
I finally realized that what I’ve been looking for was already in me, it just took you not seeing it for me to see it.
Maybe I can make your heart beat one more time by actually loving you instead of hurting you, by staying instead of leaving and by holding you instead of letting you go.
You showed me the smile that I terribly miss, the smile of a girl glowing with joy, the smile of a girl who doesn’t know how to cry, the smile that went away when you did.