How Come Everyone Sees It But You?
But what’s scarier, being together or watching each other be with someone else? What’s more terrifying? Loving each other or losing each other?
But what’s scarier, being together or watching each other be with someone else? What’s more terrifying? Loving each other or losing each other?
Don’t tell me I’m special and then treat me like the rest of your female friends. I want you to show everyone what I am to you, I don’t want anyone to doubt your feelings for me and I don’t want to question your intentions with me.
I wish they didn’t make love look so terrifying, so dark and so revolting.
If you’re wrong, I don’t want to be right. If you’re bad news, I want a catastrophe.
Did you get closure the first time or do you still need one?
Leave anyone who makes you question yourself. Leave anyone who tries to mold you into the awful person they’re becoming.
A man will not solve all your problems.
Sometimes the best of nights turn cold when you have to come home to an empty house and you have to sleep alone.
Am I a just a friend? Do your friends make you feel this way? Do they look at you, the way I do? Do they secretly think about you before they go to sleep and wish you loved them back?
The next time it rains, think of my heart and how it belongs only to you.