Hold On To The Girl Who Thinks She’s Hard To Love
For her, love is everything.
For her, love is everything.
Maybe you really haven’t forgotten about her. She’s still the girl your heart yearns for while I’m just the girl who made you feel happy for a bit after she broke your heart.
She wants someone who will love her soul more than her body. She seeks for that one guy who will make her realize that she can’t do everything just by herself and trusting you will never left her heart broken.
These people are my strongest connection with God that is why I am truly thankful for having these wonderful people.
I am somehow thankful that you ghosted me, I learned how important self-worth is.
He’s my one true savior.
But please even though it feels like you’re dying inside, don’t let him kill you.
Then suddenly it hits her, you never liked her the way she liked you. Maybe you did too, but only for a split second.
God created each one of us in a very special way. Our individuality is one of the best gift He has given to us.
You don’t have to force yourself to get out and forget the sadness you’re feeling.