This Is Why I’m Scared To Love You
One day, I might break you.
One day, I might break you.
Do not ever try to worship me. And most of all, do not ever try to save me.
I just hope that wherever you are, you’re trying to find your way to me
My heart being broken
is not part of the deal.
My realization is that,
this knight in shining armor
is no more than a boy
You are strong, and you don’t need validation from other people to know just that.
Do not embrace me and ask me to make you stay.
Do not kiss my eyes and beg them not to cry.
And I am fond of believing the thought
that maybe, somewhere in another life,
we will still find each other and
love each other the way we always do.
Don’t let hardships make you hard. But never be too soft.
All you can do is try your best to be kind and just to people, grow and learn.