11 Things You Need To Have For You To Become An Adult
If you have these, you’re officially a real functioning member of society — well, sort of.
If you have these, you’re officially a real functioning member of society — well, sort of.
I truly hate working out, but it was either that or invest in some elastic waist pants since mine were leaving such deep indentations, one may think I was trying to start some new body modification trend.
I never understood the concept of leaving negative comments, anonymously or not, on someone’s creative outlet.
Last night I was having a conversation with a guy friend of mine regarding a girl he has been seeing who,…
Maybe Chicago is actually out of eligible bachelors or maybe the dating grass really is greener on the other side.
I may not know how to do a perfect “cat eye” or even just how to keep my eyeliner on my eyes and off my cheeks a la Alice Cooper, but I do know a few things every woman should know.
If you haven’t already learned from every previous New Years’ of your life that resolutions do not work, then maybe you would also like to lend some money to this Nigerian prince I know who will totally pay you back three fold.
I couldn’t even manage to put on a pair of dollar store cat ears.
5. Everyone at the bar begins to look 12. Not 25. Not 21. 12.
Next time you are about to give your childless friends a speech on the joys of motherhood, remember the same way you don’t care for cats, some people don’t care for children.