Don’t Underestimate The Power Of God To Turn Your Life Around
By Afini Amir
Having faith in God is realizing that he has never left your side. He will always be there for you no matter how far you’ve wandered off. He loves and cares for you more than anyone ever could. He listens to every single prayer you’ve uttered. And nobody is truly capable of comprehending your pain and suffering except him.
There are times when you’d feel alone and helpless. And you’d start to question his presence even more so when you don’t get the things you’ve prayed for. You may feel that the whole world is against you as you’re drowning in your own problems. You keep searching for the light just to find that you’re stuck in a never-ending tunnel.
But let me remind you that nothing happens by accident. Whatever you’re going through has been tailor-made for you. Everyone’s battles are different so you should never wish for the battles of others. The pain you’re enduring is preparing you for bigger and tougher trials ahead.
It is impossible to be more patient and resilient without having problems in life. Every trial has valuable lessons not only for you but also for those around you.
Don’t ever underestimate his power to help you turn your life around. Don’t ever lose faith in his mercy.
You would just need to allow him to lift you up once again. You need to accept that no matter how strong you are sometimes, you cannot heal on your own. And nobody has to go through it alone.
So the next time you feel lost or devastated; remind yourself that God is just a prayer away. He will guide you and heal you but you need to trust that he will. His aid will eventually come but you need to learn to be patient in the process. Everything happens in his timing and not yours. He knows what’s best for you and when’s best to give it to you.