30 Lovebirds Describe What It Feels Like To Find Your Forever Person
16. It makes you feel like something other than a background character.
17. It’s really nice, but also can be complicated. It’s really easy to forget you are your own person, especially if you didn’t have much going on before the relationship. In that case, you start to sort of build up a life around them, with them at the core instead of them as an addition, and that’s bad because when they are away or if you break up, your life sort of crumbles with out its core.
18. It’s a buddy system. You try to be the best buddy possible, and hope that they do the same.
I find that people get so hung up on the romantic aspects of having an SO, which is important, but they forget that your SO has decided that you can be trusted to be their buddy and they want to do life with you. It’s a pretty awesome feeling once you put it into perspective that not only does that person make you happy and put you at ease, but you also do the same thing for them.