40 Super Important Things People With Autism Wish You Realized 


29. Autism is just a name that people like to put on how my brain works. If there is one thing I have learned from this world in the 17 years I have been here so far, it is that humans LOVE to put things Into little boxes.

When you meet someone, you are prone to either mentally note them as friendly, uninteresting, normal, etc. Because of this, I have become quite adept at wearing a mask of normality that hides who I “truly” am; whenever someone meets me, they do not know I am “autistic” until they are told by my parent, friend, or someone else who already knows.

The point I am trying to make is, please do not feel the need to attach words to how people’s brain function a lot, because we cannot control that we were born with it. And if you do decide to label people like me as “autistic” or even “disabled”, please do not define who we are by such terms.

30. It’s not that I’m uninterested in you or the conversation we’re having. I just don’t like being looked in the eye.