40 Super Important Things People With Autism Wish You Realized 


3. Eye contact physically hurts me. Also, I can tell you that there is this phenomenon known as “masking” or disguising the symptoms that come with autism. Girls are especially prone to this. For that reason I have been denied resources.

Also, we are easier to take sexual advantage of because of reduced ability to interpret social cues. I nearly had that experience and am now in therapy to cope with the situation. I believe that the only reason that it was nearly rather than actually is that I enjoy reading about crime and relationship dynamics.

4. Everything about autistic people not having empathy is bull.

We do. There’s a specific semantic difference between what most people think of when they think of empathy and what psychological professionals mean when they say it, and I can’t remember what exactly the exact phrasing is and I’m not sure they’re right anyway, but yeah. We do have empathy. We’re not some kind of movie sociopath. In fact, most movies or TV shows that have autistic characters do very much wrong by them.