40 Super Important Things People With Autism Wish You Realized 


19. I’ve noticed a sort of double standard sometimes where a neurotypical (non-autistic) person is allowed to have certain habits or personality quirks, but if someone who’s known to be autistic has even the exact same traits, they’re pathologized as a symptom of autism and told they must be stopped in order to fit in. This is one of the reasons I never tell anyone I’m autistic. If I did, literally anything I did would end up getting explained as “because I’m autistic”.

This doesn’t always come from other people, either; it can be self-imposed. I stopped listening to music through earbuds in public because I thought it made me look weird and cringey and autistic, but neurotypicals do it all the time and aren’t considered weird. A lot of things normal people do are no more or less “weird” than things autistic people do if you think about it.

20. Vaccines do not give you autism… It is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard of.